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Q. How do I measure the size of my motorised roller blinds?

A. There are two mounting positions for roller blinds:
1. Recess (inside mounting): This is when you want your blind to fit inside the window recess. This is the most popular option and provides a polished finish.
2. Face (outside mounting): This is when you want your blind to hang outside the window recess.

3 simple steps to a RECESS measurement:
1. Ensure there are no obstructions to the installation or operation of your blinds.
2. Measure the width of the recess from window frame in 3 places - from the top, the middle and the bottom. Note down the shortest measurement.
3. Measure the drop by taking the measurement from the top of the recess to the window sill in 3 places - from the left, the middle and the right. Note down the shortest measurement - this is the one we'll use.

3 simple steps to a FACE measurement:
For all types of blinds follow these instructions if you want your blind to hang outside the window recess:
- Measure the exact width (left to right) of the wooden or metal window frame or how wide you would like the blind to be. Make sure to measure wide enough as to cover the entire window and provide maximum light gap coverage. There is no rule on the width of blinds other than to make sure that it is wide enough to cover the opening. Ideally, for aesthetic reasons, the width of roller blind should not be greater than the width of the window sill outside the recess. Note down the measurement. If your architrave is very narrow, you may want the blind to extend past the architrave. We suggest the blind should extend at least 50mm past the window edge both sides if you would like the blind back rolled, & 100mm past the edge both sides if it is front rolled, to reduce light entry.
-Measure the exact drop from the top of where you want your blind to be to the bottom. Usually a 50mm overlap is sufficient. Note down the measurement.

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