The difference between iSW82TS curtain motor and iSW72TV curtain motor
We have two model of curtain motor can be connected with Z-wave module, they are iSW82TS 4 wires motor and iSW72TV 5 wires motor, the wires connection for both motors are similar and easy, both motors have their own advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of 82TS motor is can do auto calibration when you configure your Z-Wave controller, so you can do percentage controlling and know the curtain position, the disadvantages of iSW82TS motor is it's just basic standard model of curtain motor, so it has less functions like pull touch-start and it can not be controlled by remote etc.
The advantage of 72TV model is it has more function than 82TS, you can control the curtain by remote and you can pull the curtain to start over the motor, but the disadvantage is it can not do auto calibration through Z-Wave controller, so you don't know the curtain position and you only can fully open or close and stop the curtain. Meanwhile 72TV motor looks better and is new model, the components of the motor and the track are better, so of cause the iSW72TV motor and track are more expensive than
iSW82TS curtain motor and curtain track.
Meanwhile their parameter setting of Z-Wave controller are slightly different for this two motors, please refer to our Fibaro Z-Wave roller shutter 2 module to compare the difference between them.
Posted: Wed 12 Jun 2019